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Library Reading Room 1



  1. LCC
    1. Aerospace Control
    2. Emergency Action Message
    3. First Alert to Missile Launch Rev1
    4. First Alert to Missile Launch
    5. Launch on Warning
    6. LCC Site Description
    7. LGM History
    8. Missile Launch Check List
    9. Missile Launch Complex
    10. PAL Permissive Action Links
    11. The Combat Crew
  2. Minuteman
    1. LGM 30 Minuteman III
    2. LGM 30 Minuteman
    3. List of Missiles
    4. Malmstrom UFO Incidence
    5. Minuteman History
    6. Minuteman Missile Base
    7. Minuteman Missile Histor
    8. Minuteman Pictures
    9. Minuteman Specs
    10. Missile Configurations
  3. Silo
    1. Atlas Missile Silo
    2. Minuteman III Silo Graphics
    3. Missile Silo
    4. Titan II Missile Complex
    5. Titan Missile Museum
  4. Nuclear
    1. Policies
      1. North Korea Nuclear Tests
      2. 2006 North Korean Nuclear Test
      3. Atomic Bombings of Japan 1945
      4. China Nuclear Weapons Capability
      5. Chinas intelligence on US
      6. Consequences of Nuclear Conflict-1
      7. Consequences of Nuclear Conflicts
      8. Continuity of Government
      9. Continuity of Operations Plan
      10. Emergency Action Message
      11. Launch on Warning
      12. Los Alamos National Laboratory
      13. Mutually Assured Destruction
      14. National Nuclear Security Admin
      15. National Response Plan
      16. Natural Forces
      17. Nuclear Posture Review
      18. US Nuclear Power
      19. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
      20. Operation Fishbowl
      21. Single Integrated Operational Plan
      22. Solar Flares
      23. Soviet Nuclear Test 184
      24. Chornoyil Aftermath
      25. US Nuclear Tests
    2. Reactor
      1. Breader Reactor
      2. Fast Breader Reactor
      3. Neutron Particle
      4. Nuclear Fission vs Fusion
      5. Nuclear Fission
      6. Nuclear Fuel Cycle
      7. Nuclear Fusion_1
      8. Nuclear Fusion
      9. Nuclear Reprocessing
      10. Three Mile Island Accident
      11. Three Mile Island Plant
    3. Uranium
      1. Carbon 14
      2. Enriched Uranium
      3. Natural Uranium
      4. Plutonium 238
      5. Uranium Mining
  5. Weapons
    1. Megaton Explosion Damages
    2. CHAPTER 1 - Nuclear Explotion
    3. General Principle
    4. Heavy Water Production
    5. Heavy Water Reactor
    6. Heavy Water
    7. Uranium Production into Fuel
    8. Hydrogen
    9. Nuclear Weapons List
    10. Nuclear Weapons List_2


  1. Effects
    1. Radiation Hardening
    2. Solar Flares-EMP and Nuclear
    3. Armageddon
    4. 2004 Commision Report on EMP
    5. 2008 EMP Commission on EMP Attack
    6. Bob_Herman Presentation_2010
    7. Commission Warning
    8. Electrical Grid
    9. Electromagnetic Pulse Threats
    10. EMP Book 101
    11. EMP Commision Report
    12. EMP Facts and Fiction Part 1
    13. EMP Hardness Testing
    14. EMP Infrastructure Assessment
    15. EMP Reference Web Links
    16. EMP threat Facts Fiction Part 2
    17. EMP Threats to US Ops
    18. Harden Computing Assets
    19. HEMP
    20. High Power Microwaves
    21. HPM Bomb
    22. Nuke US could unleash Tsunami
    23. Power Stations
    24. Starfish Prime
    25. The Electromagnetic Bomb
    26. What You Can Do
  2. HAARP
    1. Experiments with HAARP
    3. HAARP Fact Sheet
    4. HAARP Grid
    5. HAARP Locations
    6. HAARP Norway
    7. HAARP Wars
    8. Military Pandora Box
    9. Sura Facility Russia
    10. Sura Ionospheric Heating
  3. Lasers
    1. Strategic Defense Initiative
  4. Missiles
    1. Command
      1. Mishaps and Nuclear War
      2. Alamogordo Natl. Laboratory
      3. Anti Ballistic Missile
      4. Atlas V Rocket
      5. Cheyenne Mountain
      6. DEFCON Levels
      7. Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle
      8. First Alert to Missile Launch Rev1
      9. Holloman Air Force Base
      10. HOTLINE Telephones
      11. Los Alamos National Laboratory
      12. Moscow Washington Hotline
      13. NORAD Command
      14. North Korea Nuclear Missiles
      15. Operation Looking Glass
      16. PT Boat
      17. REACT
      18. Sandia National Laboratorie_2
      19. Sandia National Laboratories
      20. SPADOC 4C
      21. Strategic Missile Facilities
      22. The Combat Crew
      23. Titan Missile Technology
      24. US National Missile Defense
      25. Warships of Tomorrow
      26. West Point Academy
      27. White Sands Missile Range
      28. White Sands National Monument
    2. Design
      1. Anti Ballistic Missile
      2. Ballistic Missile Defense
      3. Airborne Laser Defense System
      4. Defense Space and Security
      5. DEW Line Sites
      6. Distant Early Warning Line
      7. Ground Based Defense
      8. Laser and Mirror Experiments
      9. Missile Defense Programs
      10. Missile Defense
      11. NOAA Organization
      12. Railgun
      13. SDI Strategy
      14. Surviving EMP Radiat

Weapons Continued...
    1. North Korea Nuclear Weapons
    2. Nuclear Weapon Yield
    3. Nuclear Weapon Principle
    4. Nuclear Weapons Effects
    5. Frequently Asked Questions
    6. Nuclear Weapons Program
    7. Pakistan Nuclear Weapons
    8. Pakistani Weapons Facilities
    9. Pakistani Nuclear Forces
    10. Thermonuclear Weapons
  1. Radiation
    1. Dosimeter
    2. Nuclear Explosion Effects
    3. Electro Magnetic Fields
    4. Electro Magnetic Spectrum
    5. EMF Measurements
    6. Geiger Counter
    7. Radiation Dangers
    8. EMP Dangers
    9. Radiation Examples
    10. Radiation Chart Images
    11. Radiation Chart
    12. RF Meter
    13. Electromagnetic Radiation
    14. What is Elecrtomagnetism
  2. Satellites
    1. Comm
      1. AF Space Surveillance
      2. Artificial Satellites
      3. Communications Satellite
      4. Satellite Facts
      5. How Satellites Work
      6. Satellite Internet Access
      7. Satellite Manufacturers
    2. Facts
      1. Iridium Constellation
      2. Irdium Space Grid
      3. List of Current Satellites
      4. Low Earth Orbit
      5. Outer Space
      6. Satellite Design Details
      7. Satellite Fact Sheet
      8. Satellite Imaging
      9. Satellite Internet Access
      10. Satellite Orbits
    3. Spy
      1. Anti Satellite Weapon
      2. Global Spy Satellites
      3. KE ASATs
      4. Kinetic Energy ASAT
      5. Keyhole Spacecraft KH5
      6. Keyhole Spacecraft KH6
      7. Keyhole Spacecraft KH7
      8. Keyhole Spacecraft KH8
      9. Keyhole Spacecraft KH9
      10. Keyhole KH10
      11. Keyhole KH11
      12. Keyhole KH12
      13. Keyhole KH13
      14. Keyhole Spacecrafts
      15. Military Satellites
      16. Reconnaissance Office
      17. Space Weapons
      18. Spy Satellites
      19. Spy Satellite_1
      20. Stealth Satellites
      21. Imminent Space Wars
      22. ZIRCONIC Stealth
  3. Intel
    1. Agencies
      1. 18 US Intel Agencies Total
  1. CIA
    1. Carnivore
    2. Remote Viewing
    3. CIA and UFOs
    4. CIA Brief History
    5. CIA ORG Chart
    6. CIA Overview
    7. CIA Today
    8. CIA Vision
    9. Classified Information
    10. Counter Terrorism
    11. Delta Force
    12. Dreamland


    1. Philco Computers
    2. Philco 102 Processor
    3. 1960s Microwave System
    4. 1970s Disk Drive
    5. 1970s Magnetic Tape Drive
    6. 1970s Technical Control
    7. ANSCII and ASCII
    8. ARPANET
    9. Arpanet Logical Map
    10. AUTODIN Brief History
    11. AUTODIN II Integration Plan
    12. AUTODIN II Packet Technology
    13. AUTODINER Stories
    14. Automatic Digital Network MAP
    15. Automatic Digital Network
    16. Automatic Digital Network-2
    17. Bits and Bytes
    18. Carrier Systems History
    19. Computer Development Overview
    20. DARPA
    21. Data Communication Index
    22. Data Communications Basics
    23. DCA Engineering Center Reston VA
    24. Definition of Terms Dilemma
    25. Design Support
    26. High Speed Line Printer
    27. High Speed Paper Tape Reader
    28. Internet Connections
    29. Internet-World Wide Web
    30. Message-Email Formats
    31. Message Switching History
    32. MODEM Development
    33. MODEM History Overview
    34. Multiplexing History
    35. Multipoint Terminals
    36. AUTODIN Implamentation Schedule
    37. Overseas AUTODIN
    38. Packet Switching
    39. Personal Stories Part 1
    40. Personal Stories Part 2
    41. Plan 21 Switching Center
    42. Plan 51 Switching Center
    43. 55 Switching Center
    44. Printing Telegraphy
    45. Recalling the AUTODIN Era
    46. Telegraphy and Morse Code
    47. The Beginning Data Comm
    48. The Phu Lam Vietnam Story
    49. Phu Lam Intel Center
    50. Typical 1970s Computer System
    51. Western Union History
    52. Western Union Stories
    53. Naval Station Guam
  2. Defense
    1. Emergency
      1. Complete Ten Code
      2. Dulles IAD Frequencies
      3. Dulles IAD Frequncies
      4. FEMA Disaster Recovery Plan
      5. How Satellites Work
      6. Mount Weather Ops Center
      7. Mount Weather
      8. National Defense Authorization
      9. Police Codes
      10. Police Radio Codes
      11. Police Scanner Codes
      12. Power Outage of 2003
      13. US Power Outages List
      14. Raven Rock Mountain Complex
      15. Raven Rock Site R
    2. EMP
      1. E-Bomb Military
      2. Nuclear Weapons Test Effects
      3. Electromagnetic Pulse
      4. Electromagnetic Pulse Attack
      5. Electromagnetic Pulse Defined
      6. EMP Risks and Terrorism
      7. Electromagnetic Pulsing
      8. Electromagnetic Shielding
      9. EMF Home-Personal Protection
      10. EMP Practical Protection
      11. EMP Preparedness
      12. EMP Risks
      13. HEMP Defense Applications
      14. HEMP Government Document
      15. HEMP Defined
      16. Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse
      17. Radiation Hardening
      18. Nuclear Armageddon